
Ticket Bookings

Although we offer free entrance to our events, we are grateful for voluntary donations in order to maintain our valuable fortepiano. For events in our Biedermeier Room, we kindly ask you for ticket reservation due to limited seating spaces under + 43 (0)664 99639985 or online.

Online Reservation

Event Program 2025

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Past Events

28. February 2025, 7:30 pm

Olivia Fleischanderl, Andrea Grüner & Engelbert Ecker

Biedermeier Room

Repetition of chamber music featuring Olivia Fleischanderl (recorder), Andrea Grüner (dulcimer) and Engelbert Ecker (fortepiano) with works by A. Vivaldi,...

19. October 2024, 7:30 pm

Martina Rifesser & Engelbert Ecker

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Martina Rifesser (harp) and Engelbert Ecker (fortepiano) with works by W. A. Mozart, J. J. B. Woelfl...

15. June 2024, 7:30 pm

Vocal ensemble VOICES

Church of Schenkenfelden

Vocal music from different centuries featuring Andrea Schedlberger (soprano), Renate Reichl (mezzo-soprano), Josef Habringer (tenor und ensemble director), Gottfried Haider...

1. May 2024, 5:00 pm

Philipp Comploi & Nikolaus Newerkla

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Philipp Comploi (violoncello) and Nikolaus Newerkla (fortepiano) with works by L. Boccherini, J. Haydn, M. Clementi and...

22. March 2024, 7:00 pm

The dance through time

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Nina Jeraj (flute) & Jakob Grasböck (accordion) with works by J. S. Bach, Á. Piazzolla, J. Ibert...

21. October 2023, 7.30 pm

Bernhard Pötsch

Biedermeier Room

"Piano concert in g major" featuring Bernhard Pötsch (fortepiano) with works by W. A. Mozart, L. v. Beethoven and F....

16. September 2023, 7:30 pm

Agnieszka Oszanca & Katarzyna Drogosz

Chamber music featuring Agnieszka Oszanca (violoncello) and Katarzyna Drogosz (fortepiano) with works by F. X. Mozart and H. Liebmann

13. May 2023, 7.30 pm

Music and Reading

Biedermeier Room

Erich Wimmer will read from his (un)published works, Engelbert Ecker (fortepiano) will accompany the reading with works by lesser-known composers

7. May 2023, 6.00 pm

Franziska Fleischanderl & Bernhard Prammer

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Franziska Fleischanderl (dulcimer), Bernhard Prammer (fortepiano) with works by F. Ubaldi, A. Vivaldi, J. Chr. Bach, W....

15. January 2023, 5.00 pm

Markus Springer, Peter Trefflinger & Engelbert Ecker

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Markus Springer (historical clarinet), Peter Trefflinger (violoncello) and Engelbert Ecker (fortepiano) with works by Anton Eberl and...

6. November 2022, 3.00 pm

Ensemble Castor

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music featuring Ensemble Castor with works by J. Haydn and W. A. Mozart

11. June 2022, 7.30 pm

Element of Prime

Kirche am Kalvarienberg (Kalvarienberg Church)

"Mund.Werk" Featuring the recorder consort "Element of Prime" with works from the Renaissance and baroque period as well as contemporary...

18. September 2021, 7.30 pm

Vokalensemble Voices

Church of Schenkenfelden

Renate Reichl (mezzo-soprano), Wolfgang Rath (bass), Andrea Schedlberger (soprano), Josef Habringer (tenor and ensemble director), Gottfried Haider (alto and baritone), ...

28. May 2021, 7.30 pm

Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt & Erich Traxler

Biedermeier Room

Chamber music with Petra Samhaber-Eckhardt (violin) and Erich Traxler (fortepiano)