Governor of Upper Austria visits Gerstlhaus

11. July 2019

On July 11th 2019, in the course of the 20th anniversary of Lebenswelt Schenkenfelden, a unique welfare institution where blind-deaf people and deaf people with coupled disabilities work together, Thomas Stelzer, the govenor of Upper Austria, visited the Gerstlhaus targeting our famous fortepiano from 1814. After a short serenade, Thomas Stelzer showed great interest in the presentation of the instrument. On observing his questions and comments, we are sure that this fortepiano by Walter will definitely leave lasting impressions on him. After that, we presented our Krämerei, an antiquarian store, and the post office as well as the exhibition of “Lebenswelt”.

The visit of our Govenor was of great importance to the Gerstlhaus team. Although, we wish that there would have been more time left for that. Because Thomas Stelzer supports a grant for the installation of a humidification system in our Biedermeier room, we would have loved to present more of that marvelous fortepiano sound. Considering the busy schedule of our Governor, we are glad that our little museum had caught his attention for at least a couple of minutes.