The Museum

The Gerstlhaus Museum in Schenkenfelden, Upper Austria, shows an antiquarian store from the early 19th century including all typical requisites and sales items. The museum illustrates how modest needs once could be met by a single grocery store providing food, household goods, tools and agricultural machines completed by an original post office dating back to the former Austrian-Hungarian empire as well as a tobacconist’s store from 1869.

The following video illustrates how people practiced shopping at Laura Gerstl’s store 50 years ago (in German):

YouTube Video

Opening Hours of the Museum

Our museum opens from 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm on the following days with possible tours starting at 3.00 pm:

Sunday, 19th June 2022
Sunday, 17th July 2022
Sunday, 21st August 2022
Sunday, 18th September 2022

For visits and tours beyond the given dates please contact our chairman,
Ernst Winkler:
+43 (0)660 1209977